IMPRINT: "to make an impression on an individual or group to the extent that they follow you regardless of other options or circumstances."
Can the level of your current customer service be described as making this type of an imprint?
Your team received training using the same 6 core practices found in global organizations that are known for exceptional service?
Your customers would pay you up to 17% more for your current products and services?
Your team discovered a mission beyond their paycheck that helped them be more invested & engaged?
You began to attract, acquire, and retain more customers who follow you regardless of circumstances?
Watch Michael's recent NBC interview where he describes the need to reinvest in your service efforts and develop the 6 Customer Relationship Imprinting elements that ensure exceptional service without exception.
Have you ever wondered why some organizations consistently deliver exceptional customer service while others can't seem to crack the service code? Through our system, we have found that there are 6 common elements found in businesses that are known for exceptional customer experiences.
Customer Relationship Imprinting is:
'The ability to attract, acquire, and retain more customers who follow you regardless of circumstances!'
Organizations, regardless of size or type that are known for their exceptional customer service have these 6 common practices in place. When any organization is applying all 6 of these elements, they make such an impact on their customers and team that it can only be described as making an imprint.

Michael and the Six-Sided Service staff will provide in-depth instruction and equip your team with the tools you need to consistently deliver Customer Relationship Imprinting. As you learn to develop the muscles of each of these 6 practices, your team's service acuity will continue grow and become the service your customers have always wanted. We use a multi-faceted approach to discover, assess, train, and provide systems to enable your team to deliver exceptional service without exception.

What Are The 6 Elements To
Customer Relationship Imprinting?
#1 Find A Way To Make Your Customer's Day (Every Day)
#2 Enlist & Empower Service Architects
#3Develop Customer-Centric Employees
#4 Treat Brand & Service As Inseparable
#5 Nurture the (internal) Culture
#6 Steer Service With Systems
ex·cep·tion·al: 'unusually good; outstanding.'
If you want your customers to describe your service this way, you need to make an imprint on them. Another customer loyalty campaign or employee incentive program will not produce this level of customer responses from those you serve. Everyone has businesses they are fiercely loyal to and will pay more to use their services and get their products. Why? Exceptional service! Customer Relationship Imprinting provides you with 6 practices found in every organization known for great service. These foundational elements ensure exceptional service without exception.
Michael and the Six-Sided Service team will provide complete consulting services to raise the service acuity of your entire organization. There is no greater way than to create a lasting imprint than to develop a complete service solution strategy that is custom tailored to your team and clients Take the step towards delivering a more exceptional experience.
Let's start imprinting!
Our team can take these 6 practices and transform your organization to delivering exceptional service without an exception!
Contact us today and let's begin making an imprint together!